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Maximizing Fuel Economy in Cold Weather

Maximizing Fuel Economy in Cold

Winter driving conditions and cold weather can have a big impact on fuel efficiency. Fuel economy tests show that at 20°F compared to 77°F, standard gasoline cars get approximately 15% less mileage when driving in cities. For short travels of three to four miles, this reduction can reach up to 24%.

Depending on the car model, cold weather might have different effects on fuel economy. In general, traditional gasoline cars can lose 10% to 20% of their fuel efficiency when driving in cities and 15% to 33% when travelling short distances.

In cold weather, hybrid fuel efficiency often drops by 30% to 34%, which is a larger fall than other vehicle types. Fuel efficiency for hybrid vehicles can drop by 20% to 40% in urban areas and by 25% to 45% on short trips.

For electric vehicles (EVs), mixed city and highway driving can result in a roughly 39% fall in fuel economy and a 41% decrease in range. The heating of the cabin accounts for about two-thirds of the extra energy needed during cold weather. EV driving range is roughly 12% shorter, and fuel economy is 8% worse at 20°F than it is at 75°F when the cabin heater is not in use.

Why Fuel Economy is Lower in Winter

  • Cold engine oil and other drive-line fluids cause an increase in engine and gearbox friction.
  • Shorter trips are more affected because it takes an engine longer to achieve its most fuel-efficient temperature.
  • Window defrosters, heater fans, and heated seats consume extra electricity.
  • Since idling a car uses no gasoline, warming it up before a journey reduces fuel efficiency.
  • Because colder air is denser, a vehicle’s aerodynamic drag increases, particularly while travelling at highway speeds.
  • In colder climates, tyre pressure drops and rolling resistance rises.
  • Compared to summer blends, winter grades of gasoline may offer somewhat less energy per gallon.
  • The performance of batteries degrades in cold weather, making it more difficult for the alternator to maintain battery charging. This has an impact on how well hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and electric cars’ regenerative braking systems work.

In severe winter weather, mpg can drop even further due to factors such as:

  • Icy or snow-covered roads decrease the tyre’s grip on the road, wasting energy.
  • Safe driving speeds on slick roads are much lower than normal, further reducing fuel economy, especially at speeds below 30 to 40 mph.
  • Using a four-wheel drive uses more fuel.

How to Improve Fuel Economy in Winter or Cold Weather

  1. Place the vehicle in a garage or another warming location to increase the initial temperature of the cabin and engine.
  2. Whenever feasible, consolidate your journeys to minimise the duration of time spent operating a vehicle with a cold engine.
  3. Reduce idle to warm up your vehicle; after 30 seconds, the majority of manufacturers recommend driving gently.
  4. Employ seat warmers and defrosters with restraint and only when required.
  5. Check the pressure of your tyres frequently.
  6. Utilise the type of motor oil that the manufacturer of your vehicle recommends for cold-weather travel.
  7. When not in use, eliminate accessories that increase wind resistance, such as roof carriers.
  8. To increase the range of plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles, preheat the cabin while the vehicle is connected to the charger.
  9. In order to conserve energy and increase range, seat warmers should be utilised in place of the cabin heater in plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles.

Cold weather can have a substantial impact on vehicle fuel economy, resulting in reductions across all vehicle types. While it may be impossible to remove these impacts, drivers can take precautions to mitigate their influence. Drivers can help reduce the loss in fuel economy during the winter months by following recommended practices such as parking in a warmer location, reducing idling, and sparingly employing energy-saving technologies. Regular maintenance inspections and the use of specified products for cold-weather driving can also help to maintain optimal fuel economy.

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